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How to Telnet to a system ( Command to telnet at a particular port )

How to Telnet to a system ( Command to telnet at a particular port )


telnet [-a][-e escape char][-f log file][-l user][-t term][host [port]]

-a Attempt automatic logon. Same as -l option except uses

the currently logged on user's name.

-e Escape character to enter telnet client prompt.

-f File name for client side logging

-l Specifies the user name to log in with on the remote system.

Requires that the remote system support the TELNET ENVIRON option.

-t Specifies terminal type.

Supported term types are vt100, vt52, ansi and vtnt only.

host Specifies the hostname or IP address of the remote computer

to connect to.

port Specifies a port number or service name.

Eg: telnet localhost 5000

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