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com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKServerException: The system cannot find the path specified.
---- Error code:-2147467259 [CRSDK00000000] Error code name:failed
at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKServerException.throwReportSDKServerException(ReportSDKServerException.java:109)
at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.ExceptionHelper.throwResultInfoException(ExceptionHelper.java:192)
at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.ReportClientDocument.sendSyncRequest(ReportClientDocument.java:805)
at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.ReportClientDocument.openRemoteDocument(ReportClientDocument.java:1826)
at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.ReportClientDocument.doOpen(ReportClientDocument.java:743)
at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.ClientDocument.open(ClientDocument.java:1027)
at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.ReportClientDocument.open(ReportClientDocument.java:225)


This error will be thrown when specified reporting path is not exists.  Fix the reporting path.


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