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Multi Tenant Single Database Architecture

Architecture Overview

  1. Azure SQL Server (Single Database, Multi-Tenant)

    • Tenant Isolation: Utilize row-based data partitioning with a TenantId field in all tables to ensure each tenant's data is separated.
    • Elastic Pool: For scalability, consider Azure SQL Elastic Pools, which help optimize cost and performance.
    • Security: Implement role-based access control (RBAC) and encryption (Azure Transparent Data Encryption - TDE) to ensure data protection.
  2. .NET Middleware (Microservices or Web API)

    • ASP.NET Core Web API: Use ASP.NET Core to build RESTful services.
    • Multi-Tenancy: Implement middleware in the API to handle tenant context, which extracts tenant information from the request (e.g., from headers, subdomain, or JWT token).
      • Use a TenantResolver service to identify tenant context.
      • Apply filters for tenant-based data isolation in data queries.
    • Authentication & Authorization: Use Azure AD B2C or IdentityServer4 for user authentication and JWT tokens to secure API endpoints.
    • Order Management: The API should handle stock order creation, updates, cancellations, and queries.
    • Microservices (optional): Consider breaking down the system into microservices (e.g., OrderService, TradeService, UserService) to increase scalability.
  3. Redis Cache

    • Caching Strategy: Use Redis for caching frequently accessed data like tenant metadata, stock prices, order histories, and trade status.
    • Session Management: Store session data (if needed) in Redis for quick retrieval, minimizing database round-trips.
    • Caching API Responses: Cache expensive database queries (e.g., stock prices or order histories) to improve performance.
    • Tenant Isolation in Cache: Use a prefix for each tenant in Redis keys to ensure separation.
  4. Azure Components

    • Azure App Service: Deploy the .NET API on Azure App Service for easy scaling and management.
    • Azure Key Vault: Securely store credentials, API keys, and connection strings.
    • Azure Blob Storage: For storing non-relational data like trade receipts, logs, etc.
    • Azure Monitor & Application Insights: Track application health, performance metrics, and logging.

Data Flow Example

  1. User Authentication: The client (mobile/web app) sends a login request; the .NET Middleware validates the credentials using Azure AD B2C.
  2. Tenant Context Setup: After successful authentication, a JWT token containing the TenantId is issued. All subsequent API calls include this token.
  3. Order Processing:
    • Client sends a stock trade order request (buy/sell).
    • The API validates the request, ensures the user has permission (based on TenantId), and checks stock availability.
    • The order is processed and stored in the SQL Server with the TenantId.
    • A success response is returned, and the result is cached in Redis for fast retrieval.
  4. Caching:
    • Redis stores stock prices, order statuses, and user session data for faster access.
    • When a stock price or order status is updated, the Redis cache is invalidated and refreshed.

Scaling Considerations

  • Horizontal Scaling: Use Azure App Service Autoscaling to handle traffic spikes.
  • SQL Performance: Regularly optimize SQL queries and use indexes to maintain performance at scale.
  • Redis Scaling: Use Azure Redis Cache for distributed caching across instances.
  • Multi-Tenant Strategy: If needed, evolve the system to shard tenants across multiple databases as the user base grows.

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